Mission & Vision

Our Mission

SUPPORT a transformation of the believer into the image of Christ through the renewing of the mind.

CREATE an atmosphere of intimacy where each believer encounters the love and transforming power of God.

CONNECT with other believers within the body of Christ and learn to function together to fulfill Christ’s vision of a glorious and victorious church.

IDENTIFY and equip every believer in their God-given callings, empowering them to become agents of change in the world around them.

WIN souls, make disciples and transform our world through the proclamation of the gospel for the glory of Almighty God.

EASE the human condition with strategic acts of kindness and good will toward our fellow man.

Our Vision

Our name says it all. We are a people who desire to see transformation in our own lives. As God begins to work in us, He also uses us to bless and assist others in this process of transformation. Our dream is to see the entire world transformed for Jesus, one life at a time!

Pastor Scott and Laurie, along with the TC leadership, envision a love-filled, soul-winning, disciple-making, miracle-moving, world-changing church! We desire for Transformation Church to serve as an embassy of heaven on earth. It is our passion for the very presence of heaven to fill the church and the lives of those who attend. Members of the church are trained to share the will and the word of God to those within their realms of influence. Transformation Church strives to be a word-based, presence-driven, apostolic outreach.

Word Based

The Word of God is the heart of God in written form. Intimacy with God must begin with His Word. Transformation Church endeavors to teach God’s Word to individuals of all ages in such a way that it ushers them into an intimate relationship with Him, empowering them to live victorious Christian lives; bearing fruit, operating in their gifts, and accomplishing exploits for His glory!

Presence Driven

The presence of God has always been the focal point of the people of God (cloud, fire, ark, Spirit). God’s presence is the only thing that separates us from every other human being on planet earth. Transformation Church endeavors to teach individuals of all ages to know God’s presence in such a way that it consumes and controls their lives and causes them to display the power and glory of God within the church and outwardly to a lost and dying world.

Apostolic Outreach

Every member is a minister, and multiplication is a must. God has given each of us realms of influence to impact with the life-changing message of The Gospel. Transformation Church endeavors to train and equip believers of all ages to be agents of change in the world around them and to reproduce their own experiences in the lives of others. Transformation Church endeavors to reproduce itself through personal evangelism, local outreaches, church plants, and missions support.

Our Future

Since Transformation Church first launched, we have been moving forward, growing and developing as a body of believers. We understand that unless God builds the house, the laborers labor in vain who build it. Our signature verse for church growth and development is 1 Thessalonians 5:24. It reads, “Faithful is He who calls us, and He will do it!”

God is on the move at Transformation Church! We are excited about life and ministry and are fully convinced that the best is yet to come! God has deposited a BIG vision in our hearts for the future! Come and believe with us as we witness our God-Inspired Dreams becoming reality!

At Transformation Church We Have A Dream Of…

  • Establishing a worship atmosphere, full of God’s presence, where people can find love, acceptance, hope, healing, forgiveness and freedom in order to live out the abundant life that God has intended for His children.

  • Developing individuals to spiritual maturity through Bible studies, small groups, trainings, ministry conferences, mentorship programs, and online courses.

  • Creating a God-inspired, whole-family, discipleship experience that will encourage them to pray together, stay together, and serve together.

  • Providing trainings aimed at helping individuals discover their God-given gifts and talents and providing ways to use these gifts to fulfill the kingdom mission they have been created to accomplish for God’s glory.

  • Producing and overseeing dynamic college ministries meant to ignite the hearts of future leaders with a passion for Christ.

  • Utilizing area campuses as launching pads to train up and catapult young people into marketplace ministry, full-time ministry, and foreign missions.

  • Raising up and sending out everyday people to become active members of their communities.

  • Sending out hundreds of domestic and foreign career missionaries to fulfill the Great Commission and to hasten the coming of Jesus Christ. To partner with these missionaries in sending out hundreds of Transformation Church members on short-term mission projects to every state in the nation and every continent in the world. To use every means available to multiply and subdue the earth for the glory of God and for the advancement of His kingdom.

  • Sharing the message of Jesus Christ with the residents of Mercer, Butler, Venango, and Lawrence Counties.

  • Producing and presenting life-giving gospel broadcasts on social media, television, and radio.

  • Welcoming 3,000 members into the fellowship of our church family – loving, laughing, laboring, and living at peace with one another in our community of faith.

  • Securing at least 20 acres of land on which to build a regional church for the Quad-County area.

Order Of Victory

Our ministry focus is intimacy with God. We believe that the number one calling upon every Christian is to be conformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:29). Our church family lives for these TRANSFORMATION stories!

We believe that it is important to celebrate each time someone has a life changing experience. We do this by sharing our testimonies. Every time we share in CELEBRATION, others are blessed and encouraged.

These testimonies of transformation create an atmosphere of EXPECTATION. Other people hear of someone getting saved, healed, or delivered from a familiar sin, lack, addiction, depression, or mental illness. Hope then rises in their hearts to be touched by God.

As their faith in God increases, it leads to a RE-CREATION of that miracle in their own lives. This cycle of blessing continues, and these experiences are re-created over and over again in the lives of countless others!